Enjoy the view

1. Invite your audience into your world. Be human. That might
sound silly, but I’ll give you some examples of really letting people into
your world so they feel connected to you instantly.
Create relevant, timely, useful, and entertaining content. Your
content doesn’t need to be all four of these things at once but you do
want to remember these words as you dive into your content a little bit
more and understand how to use it on Facebook.
Start conversations that matter. We need to get you in to those
conversations that your fans are already having on Facebook so I will
give you some examples.
Focus on calls to action: We want more Likes, clicks, comments,
and shares. That’s what Facebook is looking for in order to push your
content out into the newsfeed more often. So I’m going to dive into
specific details throughout this training to get you more action for each
Let your brand do the talking. It’s important that we brand our
Facebook Page. I’ll show you how to do it.
Be deliberate and manage expectations. When someone comes to
your Facebook Page we want them to be really clear about who you are
and what you do in your business. We want to set those expectations up
so people have no question about how they can do business with you.
Monitor, measure, and track. I know that you are busy and the last
thing that you have time for is to spend hours pouring over metrics on
Facebook. That’s not my style. I’m just going to give you the metrics
that matter most and make sure you understand how to track some of
the most important details about your Facebook activity. I’ll show you
