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Email Marketing

Writer's picture: Bernie Habicht Online ArtBernie Habicht Online Art

Video by Natasha Wescoat: Story telling Tips for Artists

One way how to be successful as an artist

Incentives = Higher Conversions

Sorry but the vast majority of your prospects aren’t all that passionate about your offer. (yet)  Truth is, they’re kind of lukewarm. They’re interested, but they’re not taking their credit card out.

Instead of making a buying decision, they decide to “think about it.”

Of course you know what happens: They forget about your offer. They don’t return to your store or sales page. Some of them may even make the conscious decision to NOT buy your product.

So what can you do to get your prospects to get excited and take action NOW?

Simple: use your List and Offer them an incentive if they order now. Do it right, and you’re virtually guaranteed to make more sales!

Find here a set of email templates for those artists who are always wondering What Should I write About in My Email Newsletter? by Cory Huff. One of the things that I love about his post is that not only is it a good example of specific, on-message email marketing, but it goes beyond the simple newsletter and gives people a message and call to action that you need in order to make sales. 

We’ve all learned by now that the “power is in the list”. So it’s vitally important to communicate with your audience on your email list to ensure that you stay connected with their needs and their desires. After all, you worked so hard to get them on your list in the first place, so it’s well worth the effort to nurture that relationship.

As many artists are visual thinkers, we are sometimes at a loss for words when it comes down to putting things to text. Whether we have trouble with grammar, or can’t spell our way out of a paper bag, it helps to have good examples to follow when writing.

Use these scripts as a template guide or as a source of ideas. Be sure to reinterpret these into your own signature voice. Your tribe follows you because they like your style, and the last thing you want is to sound canned or artificial. With that said, don’t be afraid to ask for their involvement – if they’re still on your list and reading your emails, then they are already in your corner!

How Effective Emails Are Designed

You will see that all these emails follow a loose structure, and are composed of the following elements:

  1. An attention-getting headline, to ensure delivery (and help your potential reader find it among the crowd of other emails they get).

  2. A salutation or greeting, which can be formal or informal (I recommend informal, yet respectful.) If you got a name as part of their email information, you can use that here.

  3. Concise, informal body copy that supports your headline and opening subject. Be sure to use spacing, bolding, and paragraphs liberally to break this up and achieve readability.

  4. An invitation to participate with a like, return email, an answered question, or other action.

  5. A closing where you put something like “sincerely, cheers, best wishes, regards”, or the like. Then your first name.

  6. A postscript (or P.S.) This is a great (and underutilized) opportunity to insert a final call to action or statement that you want to leave your reader with. You can also use this as an invitation to participate.

  7. The other stuff at the bottom of the email…. be sure you are following applicable laws regarding self-identification, an unsubscribe link, and affiliate info, if applicable. (Email services such as Aweber or Mailchimp automatically help you with this.)

So, without further explanation, here are the scripts! Enjoy using them as you wish, and my fervent hope is that they will help you have the best connected, most engaged audience possible.

The “What Do You Think?” Email

This email gives your list subscriber the inside scoop on one of your recently completed works. You can also use it to involve them in a work in progress, if you don’t mind sharing a piece that isn’t quite finished yet but are willing to get some opinions on it.

These kinds of communications are really important because it helps your audience feel like they are a part of your creative process. When they’re invested like this, they are much more likely to buy from you (and recommend you to their friends!)

By the way, you’ll also notice the call to action at the very end in the P.S. after the signature… this is a great way to ask for a share or a like, so don’t forget to add in social media buttons at the bottom.

Headline: “What Do You Think?”

or: “Can I Get Your Opinion on Something?”

Hey there!

I’m just about finished with this piece and would like to get your opinion on it.

What do you think?

The inspiration for it came to me the other day when I [TALK ABOUT YOUR INSPIRATION FOR THE PIECE.]

I am feeling pretty good about it… what about you? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Well, I’ll let you know how the final piece turns out…

All the best,


P.S. – Feel free to share this with a friend you think might like it!


The “Secret Peek into my Studio” Email

People love to peek behind the curtain at the inner workings of your art. Just think of the DVD extras that come with those special effects-laden movies… isn’t it fun to watch those and see how the moviemakers did those amazing things? Or did you ever run to Wikipedia after watching a riveting true-story drama to look up the real story behind the movie?

It’s the same way with your studio. You may see it as just a place where you work… but to much of your tribe, this is a magician’s lair filled with mysterious artifacts where you conjure amazing creations. Even if it may not be exciting to you, it is to them… and they will appreciate you for sharing it.

Headline: “Take A Peek Inside My Studio”

“Just For You: A Backstage Pass Into My Studio”

Good morning!

Would you like a behind-the-scenes look at my studio?

I consider it my sanctuary, the special place where I feel most comfortable being my most creative self.

And it’s where I create the stuff you’ve been seeing in my other emails and online gallery!

Here’s a peek:

[IMAGE OR LINK TO PICTURES OF YOUR STUDIO (including the picture of the snoozing studio pet – people love pets!)]


What do you think? Is it what you expected?

I’ve enjoyed sharing this with you!

If you would like to see more, just click this link:




The “Secret Technique” Email

This is a variation of the “peek inside the studio”, but it focuses on a “secret” technique or skill that you use to make your art. You may be hesitant to spill “trade secrets”, but let’s get real… every technique out there has pretty much been done before by somebody, somewhere. (Look at stage magicians Penn and Teller… they spilled the beans about how they did their tricks, but instead of turning people off, this made them even more popular).

Note in the postscript at the end there a little teaser that there are more wonderful things to come in future emails.

Headline: “The Secret Technique I Use To Get Amazing Results”

or: “The Tool I Use That Gives Me Superb Textures”

or: “The Trick I Found That Helps Me Mix The Perfect Colors”

Guess what?

I have a [TECHNIQUE OR TOOL] that gives me amazing results.

I struggled and struggled to learn how to use it.

Then, one day, things finally just clicked… I was able to really [IMPORTANT DISCOVERY.]

The result was this beautiful technique:


What do you think?

i’ve used it in these works recently:


Hope you enjoyed my little secret!

Well, I’d better get back to [PAINTING, DRAWING, WHATEVER YOUR ART IS]

Creatively Yours,


P.S. – That’s not all of my secrets, not by a longshot… stay tuned for more!

The “My Failed Attempt And What I Learned” Email

If you think you should only be talking about your success stories, think again!  Talking about your failures shows your audience that you’re human… that just like them, you make mistakes, too. This openness and the fact that you’re sharing inside personal information is very endearing to your tribe, and it helps them trust you. (And just so you know: trust yields eagerly paying buyers.)

You’re also showing them that you are resilient and can bounce back from failure and learn from it, so the “What I Learned” part after the failure part puts a positive spin on it.

Headline: “My Failed Attempt at __________ and What I’ve Learned”

or: “How I Failed At __________ (Until I Got It Right)


I sure goofed.

The other day, while I [ARTISTIC ACTIVITY] , I made the mistake of [INSERT FAILURE HERE].

The result was [RESULT OF THE MISTAKE].

Then I discovered [IMPORTANT DISCOVERY].

Here’s what I learned: that [WHAT YOU LEARNED].

As a result, now I [SUCCESSFUL RESULT].

You can take a look at it here: [LINK TO SOMETHING SHAREABLE].

All the Best,


P.S. – Am I the only one who has failed at something? Write me back and let me know if you had a similar experience… and what you learned from it.

The “Interesting Slice Of Life” Email

Your emails don’t all have to be about your work. Your audience likes to hear about your life, too.

You don’t have to have a lot of drama or anything… this isn’t a reality show. But you do have every right to share a piece of your everyday happenings, whether it’s a great dish you made, a new shopping conquest, or an major personal event.

Your language (as always) should just be as if you’re addressing a friend and talking casually.

Headline: “I Just Had To Share This!”

or: “Something Awesome That Happened The Other Day”

Good Morning!

I thought I’d share this funny/interesting/emotional life event with you.

The other day, [SHARE EVENT]

Here’s a picture:


Have you had a similar experience?

If you have, know you’re not alone.

Thanks for listening.

Your Friend,


P.S. – What about you? I love my readers and I enjoy getting your pictures and stories… feel free to share!

The “Origin Story” Email

People love origin stories. Origin stories are like the first issue of a comic book where you get to see the story of the ordinary guy who gets superhero powers. Not only do people enjoy hearing this insight into how you started as an artist, but on a deeper level, they feel like they are living your story along with you. Speaking with your tribe about this cements your relationship and increases trust.

Headline: “How I Got Started As An Artist”

or: “The Breakthrough Moment In My Creative Career”


Would you like to hear the story of how I started [YOUR ART]?

It’s a doozy… so sit back and I’ll tell you.


Well, thank you for listening.

I’ve really enjoyed sharing this story with you, and I sincerely hope it encouraged you in some way today.

Please share any comments or questions you have, I would really like to hear them!



The “Invitation Offer” Email

Ah, here it is… the one many of you have been dreading.

This email is what separates the hobbyist from the professional.

This is the email many of us won’t write… and that may be the reason why we are not able to sustain a living from our art.

Don’t be afraid of the offer email! It’s all in how you approach and word it. The key is to phrase it as an invitation to participate in what you’re doing. And if you’ve been sending the other six kinds of emails, then the offer email will be accepted as a natural next step for those who are your fans.

Headline: “A Special Invitation”

or: “A Chance You Won’t Want To Miss”


All the dreaming, planning, and hard work have paid off…. and I’m excited to finally raise the curtain on what you’ve been hearing about!



Thank you for being a part of it. Your feedback has been amazing.

I told you about it first because I want the folks who allow me in their inbox every week (that’s you!) to have special access.

So, I’m offering you this exclusive chance to get in on this a few days early before I release it to the general public.

And, to thank you for being so special to me, I’d like to offer you this [DISCOUNT/COUPON/FREEBIE] as an added bonus!

To redeem it, just do the following: [PROVIDE INSTRUCTIONS].

Thanks for all you do,


P.S. – If you decide to pass on the offer this time, it’s fine if you would like to forward this on to a friend who you feel may enjoy it. But remember – the special bonus is only available for the next few days!

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